May Festival, Tianjin Conservatory of Music

May Festival
Tianjin Conservatory of Music
20th Anniversary Dedications (2004)
Roshanne Etezady (b. 1973): Inkling
Zack Browning (b. 1953): Howler Back
Tim Ries (b. 1959): Lu
Frank J. Oteri (b. 1964): Incremental Change
Donnacha Dennehy (b. 1970): Mild, Medium-Lasting, Artificial Happiness
Ken Ueno (b. 1970): July 23
Chen Yi (b. 1953): Happy Birthday to PRISM
William Bolcom (b. 1938): Scherzino
Matthew Levy (b. 1963): Song Without Words
Jennifer Higdon (b. 1962): Bop
Keith Moore (b. 1970): OneTwenty
Nick Didkovksy (b. 1958): Talea (hoping to somehow “know”)
Gregory Wanamaker (b. 1968): speed metal organum blues
Lei Liang (b. 1972): Yuan for saxophone quartet (2008)
William Albright (1944-1998): Fantasy Etudes (1993/4)
Phantom Galop
The Fives for Steve
They only come out at night
Martin Bresnick (b. 1946): Every Thing Must Go (2007)
G.L. In Memorium
Pensoso, con sobrio espressione
This engagement is supported by Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation through USArtists International in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
The PRISM Quartet performs exclusively on Selmer saxophones and mouthpieces. Selmer baritone saxophone provided to PRISM for this performance by Kanglihao Company, distributor of Paris Selmer saxophones in China.

Tianjin Conservatory Recital Hall
May 26, 2013